Mt. Apo, Java; 1/96 female ssp. enganius | N Palawan; June 1989 ssp palawanicus |
Chaing Mai Thailand ssp helenus | same data verso |
Common and widespread from India and Nepal to S China, S Korea, S Japan, south through Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. Many subspecies have been described:
helenus - China, N India, Burma, Thailand,
Malay Peninsula
daksha - S India
mooreanus - Sri Lanka
enganius - Java, Bali, Lombok, Sumatra, Borneo,
palawanicus - Palawan
nicconicolens - Japan, S Korea, Okinaka,
Amami Islands
jindanus - Sumba
mangarinus - Flores
tambora - Sumbawa (sometimes placed with
biseriatus - Timor